Saturday 18 January 2014

Analysising existing magazine titles

The definition mean to be stunned, usually by a shock-something out of the ordinary.
'Confused'-unable to think with clarity or act with understanding or intelligence. These definitions suit the nature of the magazine and create an overall view as content (including images etc.) have the ability to shock/stun the reader- this would allow the reader's to develop an interest. 'confused' may have been incorporated into the name as it implies that after reading the honest, informative content and exposing images (usually), the reader will be left with something to reflect on.

This is to collide with loud, harsh noise.
This is representative of the magazine as it contains music related content and therefore is associated with sounds/noise. It is short and snappy with a nice edge as it is vague, it keeps the readers guessing of the contents which would persuade them to pick up a copy! The name does not suggest a specific genre and therefore gives the impression that there is diversity within the magazine.

 To transmit or give out a feeling or atmosphere and enjoying oneself when listening to popular music or dancing. This is a relevant name as it has reference to music and as this is the style of magazine, it fits in. Vibe consists of Hip-hop and R&B music which is popular and loved by many. 'Vibe' creates and excited mood for the reader and suggests the mag will provide entertainment through its content. It is edgy and youthful.

Immortal or wicked behavior. This has reference to wrong doing, impurity and badness. This is suited to the content of Vice magazine as it features inappropriate behavior, sexual reference, bad language and the images featured are often also exposing and unusual. This may appeal to the target audience as the 'different' images and content are not always accepted in society.

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